Traffic Control Services

Lane Closures

  • Expertise with certified labor capable of handling small low volume arterial roads as well as major Interstates with limited access
  • Turn lanes
  • Single Lane Closures
  • Double Lane Closures
  • Triple Lane Closures
  • Moving Setups (MOT crew on site providing multiple setups one after the other)
  • Full expressway closures with detours

Sign Installation

  • Installing temporary work zone signs using the latest and modern equipment according to all municipalities requirements

Sign Fabrication

  • In-House State of the Art sign fabrication available

Special Events

  • Providing accurate and cost effective traffic control planning allowing for the safe and successful events
  • Art Festivals
  • NASCAR races
  • Athletic events such as marathons, bicycle races, football games, etc
  • Parades
  • Holiday Events
  • Concerts
  • Closing of roads for the filming of commercials, television shows, and movies


  • Expert and certified labor implementing approved MOT detour plans

Road Closures

  • Expert and certified labor implementing road closure plans

Traffic Control Design

  • Creating/planning/drawing temporary traffic control plans for the "maintenance of traffic" (MOT's)
  • Using State of the Art Computer-generated drawings
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